Let’s talk about our passion, getting booked. Recently an actor shared that she is always lending out her highlighter when she is at auditions, which is becoming quite a bit of a concern. What else do actors forget to bring to their auditions? I promised this would be my next blog.
What you need to bring to your audition:
1. A highlighter! In case you have more sides to highlight your new dialogue. This makes cold reading material so much easier.
2. Your photo and resume: already stapled or adhered together back to back.
3. Your sides: if you were able to get them on-line, which is usually the case.
4. Pen or pencil: just in case to take notes.
5. Dictionary: in your car. One that not only has definitions but notates the punctuation of words. You can always mosey on out to your car to check out words you don’t know so you can commit to that dialogue!
6. Mints: for obvious reasons. You don’t ever want to feel self-conscious about anything, especially your breath.
7. Bottled Water: don’t need anyone to bring you anything.
8. Your PDA cell phone turned off! There is nothing worse than “apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur” blasting out during your reading.
9. Your coaches phone number: just in case you would like a last minute suggestion for the reading or to get feedback on your choices.
10. Heels, hair accessories and makeup: (women) in your car. Just in case the role calls for a more feminine presence and/or to freshen yourself up.
Don’t bring:
1) A tote bag or huge bag of stuff and lug it around…unless it’s part of the character.
2) Animals or other living things, unless they are gifts.
3) Gifts. Leave those to a more appropriate time, other than an audition.
4) A bad attitude. Always be ready to take direction and enjoy the process of auditioning.
Have a ritual of working out both your body and voice in the early part of the day prior to your audition. You’re body needs to be tuned up and present. Also, by executing a few vocal exercises you won’t squeeze your throat from nerves or tension, and you will be able to drop that voice into your body.
Finally, always plan to be a half hour early. That way with LA traffic and parking, your guaranteed to be there at least 15 minutes early which gives you time to catch your breath and center yourself so you don’t feel rushed. If you are always early, you will always be on time, which is essential for production. Being on time is one of the few things you can control as you apply your commitment to getting that gig.
If there is any theme you would like me to hit on in this blog, don’t hesitate to comment and I will gladly address it in the next one.
Happy auditioning!!!!