This app has been an absolute joy to create! You may have seen a deck of my Life Emotion Cards on the counter at Samuel French Bookshop, in an actor’s bag, or on set. You may have even read my first book, Acting with Impact, with its glossary of 426 emotions. I’ve always been motivated to develop empowering tools.
Not so long ago my student, Rachel Lawson, recognized the value and importance of creating an app for the Life Emotion Cards and Exercises. Although new to reading code, she had the resourcefulness and moxie to figure it out. Okay, yes, she was in over her head, but still so determined. She found two new developers, and the magic began!
Many months after initiating the art with Denise George, who had helped develop the original images for the Life Emotion Cards, Rachel and I focused on building and creating the look and feel of the app. We are thrilled to present the Life Emotions app. Use this app to enrich the quality of your relationships, expand success in work, and better understand your life journey.
Intrigued? Would you like more inspiration? Visit our site often and follow Kimberly Jentzen on YouTube, Instagram or Twitter.
It is truly our honor to share this with you…